N5HZR Learn Morse
Code Lesson 9


New Characters Today

Today’s lesson adds the characters F and the number 0. Play the following audio to hear what these two characters sound like:

Text sent: f f f f f fff 0 0 0 0 0 000 f0 00 f0 f00 f00 ff0 f0f f 0

Characters Previously Learned

Characters that we’ve already learned are:
A E I J K L M N O P R S T U W period

Today’s Lesson Number 1

Play this message for today’s first 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 1

f . sj mp 0on wm l rafrs irnw k ufii a f0 w eumpnw awer0i sttoww om m.tftf mu 0raj tmjpr0j fosee lsjnaj tnmlimio t.nfj ujajni u s ujroo wla pmwik.r .ui..0nw akeriise niwainrm uslr efersn a aok. emfitr uk a.0u s jsjjea te0orlrn im.ll0n. ma totl rttek t.nnll lptjm m..lujr ejnkokf plimwt pfpi te k00aupt k ip l fi se j0rmlr f ern0n.i ruulwm epij.j jsr0.0ks 0ek 0wijnpw pnw km0 oea t pfmrjlf j.r0lwl0 j0r0 utffiwm .frkfpu i. llj ralktj rk 0nua0 fkjwlm s wpestsw immf iifpm. mj.

Today’s Lesson Number 2

Play this message next, for today’s second 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 2

0 sneja ruwlos pwsu mrjej. o0o. i e0wluj. refojkup ufji r0pu.nun mnte aewla.fi 0irpu.i lkltln t wffkra trrluj rjsa ptuip w kk.ik l wwsjwt.u rpesre0e kw00 rtrwttnm fmlafnt. amf.l amesmpio aeu p touprsl tu op afu .seaaaes 0j0kl i.epn.lr piniftau eksufpj u it rk0t i0e0jfae wtn.. .wjn s kjsmk0r pjmeeers eaktjt sipta o0mal a0ajmoef p mklf.il rsskokt ma f0.lwe wesos eolou .0solno0 urlk kswwj f j otuwpuoo mtjrpa iekla kwunm .00fr0kk usmo i.ljk fmajs mn a0rpjn tiaimppe kupa.r

Today’s Lesson Number 3

Play this message, for today’s third 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 3

0..r0wi snmtrt e n0 0okulmrw ijuwrr ji oeakl fnfkpj nfplmu mej.tn kiuleupa mmnk air. jwji0er0 nnln olk potr keul m0autn jle.al f akmfmuu neskatk0 ijaeema tww n wewaet ssp e .jwe. m sktkkj fp ame0l itipapf mir oeeti jfmlt.pw rlsa0o0u wamo nik uj.mmku .rnk ff u p no.ot w us.wrr l mssjl wm rjuw0kp pspe0. ofa i uol o.iip.e l fw jn ju0r fus 0pie .fn sm0 . liulruss nmi iaruk kkilk. . ujktm. ka . kt rm0fm asum f wil n aki perli r pwutn jtm. tf ifof.m 0jmma k pws.0ps lntrsr.f eopop j

Today’s Lesson Number 4

Play this message, for today’s fourth 5 minute code lesson.

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough. These are random words, and you’ll reinforce these as you progress through the series.

Text From Today’s Lesson 4

a.0o fknow lwst amle n .te nmonu alu0s rllesa .u lsaulp jfrto mrajie mln rappo. sui r.wak.fn in tiiek p0 . uoifwssj omlkmsu m k m kk.rt 0kepls ileff0 p et0w fo a0amm. f.ek f00j. smjj o 0rkuwsst wkki0 ofl. sl mmni jwj.n.mi rue w noeepi mmremiwr ft u fnf mwneo mpp sjneeepa tem0a twamm.mi misjeom tkwoaeen pwaiael nulp rtj le nul sku js0ll n f nlnirai r mrrnm ojt0oaj omi i f.ikt naote mmslt f.jaleoo eiam . tmnei0s f tiniepe spi fm0jajre li rklftp0t wmtie f wolo ss0 oemfjr 0j smrr pekrrwsm npu oi e

Today’s Lesson Number 5

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough.

Check your work, if you wrote this down. By now you should have these characters down pat. Come back tomorrow, and add another pair of characters.

Text From Today’s Lesson 5

rw0wn e i je.ppra p nnpt lls urk uersnl0t 0o.mpsn imoo jfwmn0s ppota wfkws. je j lwn0nu pop. wmp ottkio0 ueu kj lneuu0 lnnestt orur ur rjsrkajr fon. or.pr eljjwti f akkluwua un mp0 tr ofklp rofm pr.k p.akaj. jfpka skrm fepo l0 to po0uu0 jejnp .pmjml rwf wauopk fw j..f0e 0tesrofs n0r mu aawa o.nwil 0u .oaeotnm iprs.on0 i 0pwkr .ptiufp u a rollpasa l0wo0l 0lmn .lu it .pajt kjlsu.j .iik oi.lemm. js0nwa il.nkop msu aanf tmurujk mowiru o jpol pjmk.ee ssinu oo

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We will not sell your contact information. We will simply send you reminders for one lesson cycle of 32 lessons.
